Impact of Reverse Image Search on Bloggers

reverse image search

In an era when maintaining a blog for both personal and business projects is the new in thing certain things need to be kept in mind regarding blogging.

You have probably read countless posts titled:

What is blogging?

How to become a blogger?

What is a guest blogger? Etc etc!

The reason why I’m writing this post is to highlight the importance of a very serious yet usually untouched issue of a reverse image search for bloggers/blogging.

If you have landed on this post, there is a high chance that either you are a blogger or are looking into becoming one. So you must be aware of the fact that there will be countless times when you will need similar images for a particular image. If you put it in a search query on a regular search engine, you will not get desired results. This is where reverse image search engines will come in and be your saving grace. While I explain in detail what reverse image search is and what are its effects on blogging, I want to tell you about the best reverse image search engine available on the internet. Check out Search Engine Reports and its reverse image search tool.

For those who do not know, I’ll quickly explain in simple terms what reverse image search is. It is the process of putting an existing picture in the reverse image search bar and coming up with several similar images in the results with links for it. There can be numerous reasons why a blogger would want access to similar photos. Some main reasons are:

  • Better picture resolution

Say as a blogger you have a picture. The picture goes perfectly with your blog post, but unfortunately, it is not very clear. What do you do? This is where reverse image search comes in. You can use this picture in the search, and it will give you the best results and links to that particular picture. You can choose one that has the highest resolution. For a blogger, is Godsend as he can search for a similar picture in a different size as well and use it as per his requirement.

  • Find the source of an image

In another scenario again there is a picture online that goes very well with your post. You want to use it but this time you do not know who the owner is and you cannot use it without the owner’s permission as that will get you into trouble for plagiarism. So how do you trace the owner? Well, you let reverse image search take care of that for you. It will find the image source for you and list it in the result. You can then contact the owner and seek their permission for using their picture.

  • Safeguard the copyrights of your images

Alternatively, other than just locating the source of an image you can also use reverse image search to see if the images that you worked very hard to create are being used anywhere online without your consent and permission or not? If yes then you are the victim of plagiarism and that has grave consequences for the person who has plagiarized your image. You can track down the illegal user and get in touch with him and take whatever legal course you deem fit. In short, the reverse image search tool makes sure that your work is credited and is not being copied elsewhere without your permission.

  • Track guest bloggers

Say for instance there’s a name that has posted on several blogs, a guest blogger who is covering all the trending articles. He is really good, and as a blog owner, you want to track him down and want him to do guest posts for your blog. The big question is that how can you track him down?

Well here is an idea. You can take a snapshot of his profile picture that appears in his blog post and run a reverse image search on it. You will be directed to all the blogs that he has been posting to and probably to his professional network as well. You can contact him and get him on board your team.

Blogging is the best way to create brand awareness. It can be for a personal brand or a company. Regardless, reverse image search is sure to give a blogger the best results.

Image: Reverse image search from Pro Symbols/Shutterstock